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The Journey Towards Decarbonization

虽然推动脱碳是一个普遍的趋势——我们都面临着类似的碳中和的最后期限——但你带到工作现场的技能和专业知识对于你所服务的行业来说是独一无二的. So, whether your focus is on mining, heavy construction, roadbuilding or light construction projects, 你需要一个最能满足你的需求和目标的净零战略. SMS Equipment can help you formulate that strategy, then bring it to bear with a wealth of available options, each designed to address specific needs and demands. 其中包括:零排放的全电动设备, expertise in alternative fuel technology, 具有混合动力功能的设备可显著降低标准排放率, technologies that improve onsite efficiencies, and more.


Electrifying Opportunities

It’s the conversion people thought would never happen. Almost from its initial concept, 从汽油或柴油发动机转向电力发动机,一直充斥着失败的预测. Yet, today, 认识到世界需要大大减少对化石燃料的依赖, 几乎所有主要的汽车和卡车制造商要么提供电动汽车(EV),要么计划很快推出电动汽车. 

同样的前瞻性思维也延伸到了今天的设备制造商, 他们中的许多人已经在世界各地的工地看到了他们的电动汽车机器. Inherently cleaner, quieter, cooler, and more efficient, electrification of the job site, like the embrace of mainstream EVs, is being seen for the positive change that it is. Here at SMS, 我们早就认识到电动汽车将在推动脱碳方面发挥关键作用. To that end, 我们已经与许多原始设备制造商建立了战略合作伙伴关系,他们在成功地将这种巨大的变化带到您的工作现场方面是如此不可或缺.

并不是所有的革命都是从爆炸开始的,有些革命是从简单的火花开始的. 让SMS设备帮助您踏上电气化之旅.

Hybrid Technology

满足客户选择不接受全设备电气化的需求, the use of hybrid technology can be a viable alternative. 在概念上类似于传统的混合动力乘用车, 混合重型设备捕获由重复运动(挖掘机的摆动或沥青压实机的破碎动作)产生的动能, for example), converts it and uses it to charge onboard batteries. 其结果是减少了对专用设备充电基础设施的依赖, 机器的可用功率几乎没有损失,燃料的使用也显著减少, ultimately resulting in a cleaner operation. 替代的混合方法包括在一台机器中使用两种独立的电源——柴油和电力. 这允许全电动操作时,噪音或烟雾是一个问题和柴油操作时,他们不是.

与主要的原始设备制造商(其中一些是重型设备混合技术的先驱)合作,SMS设备可以确定这种创新的解决方案是否应该成为您碳减排战略的关键组成部分, then help implement the changes. 


Alternative Fuels

Diesel, once the dominant fuel source in mines and on job sites, is slowly being supplanted by alternatives. Driven by the push to decarbonization, 无论是现有的燃料还是新兴的燃料,要么即将产生影响,要么正在产生影响——就像天然气一样. At SMS, 我们努力跟上不断变化的发展, see the applicability they hold for our customers, 检查可能影响每种燃料在操作中成功程度的变量的广度, and provide the in-house expertise to bring it all to bear. 

Because there is no alternative to excellent support. 

Fuel Saving Solutions

At SMS Equipment, we are poised to help you, our customer, as you embark on this challenging, yet ultimately fulfilling, journey. 我们与许多原始设备制造商合作,其中许多人通过主要的产品改进率先努力实现净零排放目标,我们已经组建了一个专家团队, 每个人都致力于帮助确保你们顺利过渡到脱碳. In so doing, the full journey, from learning what solutions exist, to which work best for your operation, to deployment and implementation, becomes the positive, transformative experience it needs to be.


不仅仅是另一个流行语或潮流肯定会过去, 推动脱碳是工业对气候变化的真正回应——气候变化威胁着我们所知道的生活. 通过远离排放二氧化碳(CO2)和其他温室气体的能源系统, 行业正在致力于戏剧性的变革,最终将不仅仅是实现预先设定的目标. 这将有助于确保子孙后代有一个适宜居住的环境, while at the same time making their organizations stronger, more competitive, more efficient and, yes, better stewards of the planet.
矿井的电气化不再是一个白日梦——它是真实的,而且是可能的. 当你确定你准备好了,我们可以帮你插入.
Hybrid Technology
Considering hybrid technology? We’ve already done a lot of the leg work for you. 与混合产品,以满足您的挖掘(大型和小型)和沥青压实需求, SMS设备可以快速,轻松地让您在创新的门口. 

Explore the Hy-Way
Alternative Fuels
What are the options? Which equipment is alt-fuel ready? What limitations, if any, exist?
Fuel Saving Solutions
坐等燃料成本下降不是一个站得住脚的策略——采用最大限度提高燃料效率的解决方案才是. Fortunately, the options for doing so, in areas ranging from haulage to earthmoving and more, are many and growing all the time.

True savings await — let us take you there

Komatsu GHG Alliance

Through the alliance framework, 小松的温室气体合作伙伴将直接与小松合作,积极合作进行产品规划, development, 测试和部署下一代零排放采矿设备和基础设施. 该联盟的最初目标是推进小松的“动力不可知”卡车概念,即一种可以使用包括柴油电力在内的多种电源的运输车辆, electric, trolley (wired), battery power and even hydrogen fuel cells.

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